Problem Statement

Our Month 12 retention rate is 15%, if 85% of activated users drop from the platform after a year, this puts pressure on the acquisition and restricts market share for smallcase in the long term. The root cause of this problem is the lack of engagement on the platform.

Key User Insights

“ I did not understand how smallcase links to my personal financial goals” ” I do not know enough about the market to take a bet on a smallcase”

Current Engagement Hooks

First, let’s look at what are the current engagement devices and how are they performing -

Priority Breadth Depth Frequency Performance Rationale
SIP Investment and rebalancing High Habit-forming
Add to watchlist High Builds consideration
Create a smallcase Low Low investment literacy

While SIP and Watchlist are working well for core and power users Creating a smallcase is focussed on power users.

We do not have a strong engagement hook to upgrade casual Users to Core!

How will we resolve this?

Investment is a system 2 thinking, users need conviction to take the next step and invest their money on the platform. We plan to build 3 simple to use product hooks that build conviction.

Following hooks are anchored in-depth and frequency of engagement:

Goal SIP Calculator

Social proofing


Apart from these hygiene reminders and offers on key investment moments will engage casual users deeper and upgrade core ones to power investors.

We expect an improvement of 10% in retention from these initiatives

Appendix & Detailing

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