Changes in the onboarding flow

  1. Users will now be allowed to log in to smallcase via their registered email IDs. This will enable us to allow more people to enter into smallcase and explore what we have in store for them.
  2. Logged in users will have an option to get a curated list of smallcases based on their answers.
  3. Logged-in users can raise a request to get a callback and get their query addressed at the time of their choice.
  4. Social proofing at relevant places to reduce consideration effort.
  5. Delayed log in to Demat account once the user has made a decision to make a purchase.
  6. Users will be now allowed to select their next instalment dates during the first investment flow.
  7. Redundant screens and clicks while order placement is removed.
  8. CTA texts and sections names are optimised at various places.
  9. High visual hierarchy to negative CTAs is removed.
  10. Redesigned home page and smallcase listing to support users’ JTBDs.

New Onboarding

📹 Please refer to this video to watch the new onboarding video

Prototype - Click here to view

Or refer to the Figma to understand the end-to-end user journey